You Spoke, We Listened...

Answers to Your Top Questions About

the CCH & ACP Programs

Hey, crystal lover. Ashley here from the Love & Light School. Last week I emailed some folks in our crystal community and I reached out to find out why they hadn’t signed up yet for my Crystal Healing Certification program, and I found out some amazing things through some great conversations with the people in our community. So I thought I’d take just a minute to share some of the most common questions and concerns that people had and address them here with you. So you had all the information about the program, but before I do, I wanna share that this really helped me see that people needed more time to make the decision about whether or not joining the program was for them. So I’ve decided to extend enrollment for our VIP period for our spring enrollment semester until Friday, March 1st at 9:00 PM Central. That means if you missed out during our VIP enrollment period last week, you can still get up to that $1,000 tuition savings until this Friday, March 1st, 2024 at 9:00 PM central time. Plus, I have an exciting announcement I’ll tell you toward the end of this video. So let’s start with the first common question and concern. People were worried that they were too much of a beginner for our Crystal Healing Certification program, and I wanna tell you, I totally understand this, but I’ve got you covered. I’ve been fine tuning the curriculum for this program over nearly 15 years. So as you’re working through the program, I help you build on what you’ve learned, reinforcing the fundamentals while integrating some great new insights. It’s a program that starts with the basics and builds upon them from there, but it doesn’t stop at the introductory level. I take you through understanding the science and physics of crystals to understanding the metaphysics and how we can work with crystals as part of our spiritual journey. And then we wrap everything up with mastering some advanced level skills and techniques. Others of you shared that you thought you didn’t need a certification, and you know what? That’s valid. You’re absolutely right. About 60 to 75% of our students in any given enrollment period are taking this program for their own personal development and spiritual connection with crystals. And for your own personal work, you absolutely don’t need a certification, but that certificate means different things to different people. For some, it’s a mark of achievement showing everything that they’ve poured into their crystal work and is a huge acknowledgement of their big achievement. And for the folks that do wanna work with crystals as part of an existing healing arts or wellness business, the certification is a great way to give your clients and colleagues peace of mind that you’ve taken a professional level development course. I also heard from a lot of you that you’ve already taken Crystal healing training somewhere else, and I have to tell you, that’s great news. I’m so excited that you’ve already started your Crystal Healing Learning journey, but so many of our students tell me each and every semester how our training program fills in gaps in their knowledge that they didn’t even know they had. I am personally a true believer in lifelong learning, and I’ve taken over a hundred different crystal classes myself. So I know firsthand that our program curriculum is really different. If you’re passionate about crystals and you’ve got nothing to lose you everything to gain from taking this program, it is 21 courses and over 40 hours of instruction. So that’s about as deep as it gets. I love hearing from our students each and every enrollment, how blown away they are by the amount of new crystal information that they got out of taking the classes. But because this program is so in depth, you might also be thinking, well, I just don’t really have the time for this right now. And believe me, I completely understand. Life gets busy and there are a lot of things to juggle. But a few important things to know about this program are that there are no time limits for completion. So you can really slow down and take things at your own pace in a way that suits you and your schedule. There’s also no set amount of time that you need to dedicate to your courses each week and no restrictive schedule that you have to stay committed to, which means there’s no pressure to stick to a consistent schedule. Your schedule and the amount of time that you dedicate to your classes can ebb and flow day by day, week by week, or month by month. And because there’s no time limits for completion, you don’t have to worry about rushing through to meet an arbitrary deadline, which will be a big relief. For a lot of you who also told me you’re currently taking other courses. I’m also really excited for you if you’re learning about astrology, tarot, aromatherapy or something else. One thing I learned from having these conversations with everyone is that our community really values education. And I know juggling more than one course can seem a little overwhelming on the surface, but take it from me. Being engaged in multiple courses can actually help you get a deeper understanding of the big picture and how the pieces fit together. I’ve personally found through taking more than one class at a time, a new level of richness and depth because I’ve been able to sort of connect the dots between different concepts and ideas that have really reinforced my learning. One thing I heard from people in our community over and over again about why they didn’t feel quite ready to sign up for the course yet is that they weren’t sure if this was the right time. It’s natural and normal to hesitate when we’re making big decisions in our lives, but I wanna tell you, if you’re sitting back waiting for the stars to align and for everything to feel like the perfect time before you start doing something that you’re really passionate about, you might be waiting a really long time because rarely does life present the absolute perfect circumstances for us to begin a new journey of transformation. It’s often by taking that leap of faith even before we feel ready, that we invite that significant change and that space for growth into our lives. So I want you to sit and ask yourself, do I really wanna wait another year to take this crystal healing training? If the answer’s yes, that’s totally okay. The thing that is most important is that you trust that inner voice and your intuition to guide you in the right direction. Finally, I heard from a number of people in our community that they just can’t afford this program right now, and I wanna tell you, I get it. Things are hard right now. So if it’s not possible financially for you to join me, then I look forward to seeing you in class when the time is right. I pour everything I have into creating this program, and there’s a huge amount of time and effort and care and energy that goes into delivering the very best CCH program that I can for our students. And this is reflected in the program pricing, but I did wanna let you know that we do offer affordable monthly payment plans to help you break up the cost of the program over several months. I mentioned earlier that I really listened to what our community had to say when it came to their concerns or hesitations about signing up for the program. And that’s why we’ve just announced an extended payment plan program. This helps bring the monthly cost of the program down to just 1 49 a month. So I mentioned earlier that we’ve extended our VIP early enrollment period where you can save up to a thousand dollars on the cost of tuition until this Friday, March 1st at 9:00 PM central time. But we’ve also made it easier than ever to sign up with this extended payment plan of just 1 49 per month for 12 months. And when you sign up using that payment plan, you’ll still receive immediate access to your first class. So there is no time like the present to go for your crystal dreams and follow your soul calling. If this is something you’re excited about and passionate about, I hope you’ll join me for the program. You can find the link for the enrollment page below to get all the details and sign up for the course by this Friday, March 1st. Thanks for watching, and I look forward to seeing you in class.

ENDING SOON | FREE Crystal Kit BONUS expires in:

Crystal Healing Certification

+ Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program

Limited Time Early Bird Enrollment Opening Soon!

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