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This email will contain EVERYTHING you need to know about the CCH program — dates, price, syllabus, accreditation & access to a sample class.
Your personal invitation from me to join the course early with an incredible early bird saving (of up to $1000 off!).
If you're ready to:
Fill the gaps in your crystal knowledge with trustworthy trainings…
Gain the confidence you need to work with crystal energy to help others…
Grow your skills, energetic connection & intuitive development…
You're in the right place.
My award-winning & globally recognized CCH Program is the crystal course everyone’s talking about.
Over the past 14 years I’ve trained and mentored more than 5,000 crystal healers in 65 countries and counting. It would be my honor to guide you on your own crystal journey, and help you become the compassionate, intuitive and empowered crystal healer you know you truly are
It’s your time. You’re ready.

“I have completed the CCH Program and I am so happy and proud of this achievement!
I want to thank my dear teacher and my mentor Ashley Leavy… Thank you for sharing sacred knowledge and thank you for your guidance! I have learned so much!
The knowledge I have received through your classes really helped me with my personal healing and my personal growth. ✨✨
I have already started on my Advanced Crystal Practitioner Certification Program. Wow! I am so happy to dive even deeper into this journey through advanced crystal healing skills and techniques and become a crystal master! 🙏💙✨✨✨”
~ Elena Fuller, CCH Program Graduate

“OMG I did it!!! It’s official ~ I am an Advanced Crystal Practitioner!
😱💎🙌💗🙋♀️💯❗❗ Thank you so much Ashley Leavy for giving me the opportunity to take the next step to making my dreams come true!
I now have the knowledge, wisdom and most importantly the confidence to continue on this journey! I am forever grateful to you and your team! 💜”
~ Dawn Marie, CCH & ACP Program Graduate
Check your inbox now for all the details!

Award-Winning Classes

Internationally Accredited