3 Keys to Unlock Your Crystal Magic

Video 2
Ashley Leavy: Hey, there, crystal lover. Ashley here with the love and light school. And I want to welcome you to video number two in my Three Keys to Unlock Your Crystal Magic video series. So, in the last video, we talked all about morning rituals that you can do with your crystals. And today, I’ll be sharing with you, some of my favorite p.m. rituals for the evening. I have found that these are just as, if not more important than morning time, mini rituals. Because for me, I find the end of the day- always feels a little bit exhausting, overwhelming. There’s so much that has happened and I find that these quick and easy crystal rituals, really just help to calm my mind and get me ready for some rest and relaxation. So whether you do them, when you’re getting ready to, kind of, wind down for the evening or just before bed is totally up to you, but do try and fit them. And if you can because the whole point is to find ways to connect with your crystals in a way that works for you.
So first I want to remind you that one of the rituals that we talked about in the morning rituals video, last time was all about pulling a daily card, doing a daily card draw with a crystal-themed Oracle deck. So I mentioned in that video that one of the things that I really like to do in the evening is to kind of reflect and journal about that card of the day. It usually gives me a little bit more context for maybe why I’ve drawn that card. And helps me learn even more about the specific crystal featured.
So each evening, take just a few minutes to reflect on the card that you pulled that morning. Maybe you even want to get it back out of the deck, if you’ve put it away or set it up on your altar and your Sacred Space and really look at it again, reflect on the imagery and write down any additional insight that kind of, comes through. So you may also want to consider- did you carry that stone with you that day? And how did things unfold for you? How did that crystal support you? Or what themes came up that are in connection with the energy of that crystal? Just jot down any thoughts that come to mind in your special crystal cartomancy journal. This will help you start to see patterns that unfold in your readings, as well as in your work with your crystals and best of all helps you learn more about your stones and develop that connection with your inner self.
Now, I want to share with you another simple crystal exercise. And I call this one, “Gems of Gratitude.” So here you’ll need a little pouch and 10 different small stones. They can be tumbled or rough. I think having them all be tumbled and smooth is kind of nice because they won’t mush together in the pouch and scratch one another but use what you feel comfortable with or what you have at hand. You don’t have to go, buy anything special for this. They can be pebbles that you find outside, as long as you have permission to take them or they can be crystals already in your collection, that’s totally fine but you’ll need 10 in total, and a small pouch to put them in. It’s best if you can find a pouch that you can’t see through. I find that something, like a little velvet bag works better than an organza bag because you can’t see what you’ll be drawing out of the pouch.
So toward the end of your day, make time to focus on gratitude with this exercise. Make yourself comfortable, maybe in your Sacred Space and hold the pouch of stones in your hand. One at a time. I want you to reach in and draw one of the stones out of the pouch, hold it for just a second and think of something that you’re grateful for then set that crystal down, reach into the pouch, and draw a stone again. And you’ll just repeat this exercise until you’ve drawn all 10 of the stones and listed 10 things that you’re grateful for. You can write these down on a piece of paper or you can just speak them aloud or silently to yourself.
The reason that I really like to line these crystals up, it’s because I feel like it gives you a way to look back at all 10 of those things that you’re grateful for. You might even want to take this a step further by considering the way that the stone that you drew might relate to that particular thing on your gratitude list. So here’s where writing it down, really comes in handy because it can be a bit hard to remember what order those 10 things were spoken. So think of the crystal that you pulled, what you know about that stone, and how its energy might relate to that thing on your gratitude list. So for example, if you pulled a rhodonite stone from the bag while you were speaking your gratitude for getting a new job or making a new friend, that rhodonite could be indicating a time of exciting new beginnings, ahead of you. So think about how your particular crystal may relate to that thing you’re grateful for. And if you’re not sure, you can always look in one of your favorite crystal books or do a quick Google search for some crystal properties. Sometimes it might seem like these things, don’t quite line up, but I promise there’s always a way to make a connection. So, for example, say you drew an amethyst, while you were saying that you are grateful for your garden. It might be telling you that you need to bring a little bit more intuitive guidance into your gardening practice. Maybe, not follow the rules so rigidly and have fun.
Now to keep things really exciting in this practice, you may want to switch up some of the stones from time to time so that you’re always coming up with new combinations to interpret. But remember, this is really taking the practice above and beyond even just putting 10 small stones that you found in your backyard, or while you’re out for a walk and listing the things you’re grateful for is a great way to do this exercise.
Now let’s take a look at our final evening mini crystal ritual, and this is making a few minutes to create some crystal calm. So this one, I do right before bed. Just before bed, make yourself comfortable. You can even do this in your bed if you like and hold a stone that feels really calming to, maybe some rose quartz or blue lace agate or even somehow light. This can be a crystal, that’s good for restful sleep, for clearing the mind, for inner peace, whatever it is that you feel you most need just before bed. If you’re like me and you have trouble sleeping, this really goes a long way toward helping you get ready for a restful night, sleep. Whatever crystal you decide, just make sure it’s one that feels really calming to you and that calls you. Hold that crystal in your hands or even over your heart, for three to five minutes or as long as you like, and just breathe deeply and create a few minutes of quiet calm, before bed.
Now, it’s time for you to take action and unlock your crystal magic. I want you to choose one of these exercises to perform this evening before you go to sleep. And I’d encourage you, if you find something that really feels an alignment, to try and make it part of your regular evening routine. If you want to share your experience, snap a quick photo or send me a DM on Instagram @loveandlightschool. I would love to see what you’re doing. Thank you so much for tuning in and watching. And until next time, many crystal blessings.
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