3 Keys to Unlock Your Crystal Magic

Video 3
Ashley Leavy: Hello and welcome back to 3 Keys to Unlock Your Crystal Magic. I’m Ashley Leavy of the Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy. In this video, we are going to look at some crystal rituals for any time. When we first started this series, I told you a little bit about why it was important for me to create this. Because I’ve heard from so many people time and time again that making time for elaborate crystal work just doesn’t work for them. So in this video, I’m sharing some crystal rituals for any time. Some of them are super short, quick and easy and others are a little bit more involved. But the key here is to fit them in when it makes sense for you. Maybe there are some days where you can’t quite get to your morning or evening routine, and you just need a quick way to tune into crystal energy, or maybe you find yourself with an unexpected extra few minutes in the day and you’d like to do something special. In this video, I’ll be sharing 5 unique crystal rituals that you can incorporate any time.
Our first crystal ritual will be getting to know our stones through art. If you find yourself wanting to work with your crystals but you aren’t feeling very motivated to think too deeply, or write about your crystals, or do something more involved, or spread loads of crystals all over your space, you might want to try this super fun and creative exercise. I know it’s one that really nourishes me whenever I need a little boost. Choose just one of your favorite crystals and gather up a few art supplies. This can be whatever you have at hand. Just a pen and paper, maybe some colored pencils, or a few markers. Whatever you have laying around is just fine. It’s not important that this little crystal art piece be perfect. It’s just that you want something that feels good to you. A practice that feels like it kind of boosts your creativity and nurtures you. However, you can get as sophisticated as you like here. And if you have some super professional art supplies that you’d like to pull out and make this a more in-depth practice, then by all means, feel free to explore that as well. Start by placing your stone in front of you and really admiring it. Look at the crystal from all sides and angles and get really familiar with its color, its texture, and every little nook and cranny of your stone. Then you’re going to make a little drawing of it. Believe me when I say that I am not a great artist but there is something so calming about this exercise that I don’t really think too much about what the end result is. It’s really about the process itself.
One of the best things that I love about this is it really helps you get to know your stones on a more intimate level. How many times have you worked at that trustee piece of rose quartz without really looking it over in-depth and getting to know it on a more intimate level? This is about deepening your connection with your individual crystals, getting to know every little bit of their color and texture. Every little fissure, any tiny chip, get to know your crystals in detail and capture it through your art. Just do your best to capture the likeness of your crystal even if all you have time for is a quick doodle. I find even if I don’t end up with a masterpiece, this is always a great exercise to get me centered. It always seems to bring me right back to the present moment. Plus, I love looking back through my little sketchbook of my crystal drawings and seeing all of my crystal art. It’s truly such a fun way to get to know and appreciate the crystals that you have in your tool kit.
Our next exercise is a little bit more involved and you will need quite a few more supplies. Here, I’m sharing how to make a crystal spell bottle, sometimes called a crystal and tension bottle. Spell bottles originate from 17th century England as witch bottles. And though they were originally created as charms to counter magic, we now typically see them more as charms in and of themselves. The purpose of a modern-day spell bottle or spell jar is to capture and hold onto our intention. The bottle or jar acts as a literal container for the magic that we’re creating. Crystals make natural additions to any spell bottle as they are wonderful for holding onto our intentions as well.
Start this practice by setting an intention. What would you like to hold more space for in your life? What kind of magic would you like to create? What would you most like to call in at this time? Is it health, protection, abundance, love, clarity? Think it through and then write your intention statement on a very small slip of paper for your spell bottle. After you’ve set your intention, you can gather some supplies. You’ll need a glass bottle or jar. Just be sure that the mouth of the glass container is big enough to fit your crystals and your other items into. You’ll need a crystal or 2 or 3, depending on how many different energies you’d like to work with, as long as they’re all connected to your overall intention. You’ll also want some dried herbs connected to that intention or magical purpose. And a side note here, it’s always a good idea to look up the safety of your herbs, as well as make sure that you’re working with plant material that you’re not allergic to. If you’re not sure about the correspondences between your intention and the crystals or herbs you’re using, a good reference book or a quick Google search is an easy way to find some suggestions. I always recommend working with dried herbs for your spell bottle because if you put fresh herbs inside, they do have a tendency to mold, which you don’t want. So, be sure that you’re using thoroughly dried herbs. If you can’t find a specific herb you’re looking for, chances are, you probably have quite a few options in your spice rack in your cabinet. Additionally, you can gather any other items or symbols that you feel like are strongly connected to your intention. For example, if you were working with protection as your main theme or intention, you could work with some black salts. If you were working with abundance, maybe a coin, or a cord or piece of string with a knot for love. Finally, the last thing you’ll need for this spell bottle is either some string or cording or some wax. We’ll use these to seal your spell bottle. I’ll show you that step-by-step later.
You want to start this process by cleansing all of your items. You can do this with something like sound or sunlight or moonlight. Then while holding your intention in mind, you want to add your chosen herbs to the bottom of your bottle. This creates a little bit of a cushion for when you add your crystals a bit later so they don’t clatter around on the glass. As you add each item, whether that’s a pinch of herbs, the stone, you want to hold that intention in mind because you’re actually putting that intention into the items into this vessel or container of energy. Now, one pro tip. When adding your herbs, it can be really helpful to use a funnel if the neck or mouth of your bottle is small, even just a small cone or funnel that you make out of paper. Next, you’re going to add your chosen stones. Again, as you’re adding these to the jar, hold that intention in mind. Next, you’ll add any other items or symbols of your choice related to your intention to the bottle. Once all these items have been added, I want you to hold the bottle or jar in your hands and hold your intention in mind, or even better, speak it aloud to really charge up the jar with your energy. Then add that small slip of paper with your written intention inside the bottle. You can roll it up if you need to, if that’s a little bit easier to fit it inside. And finally, you’ll seal your intention inside of the bottle by binding it with some string or cord or by melting some hot wax on the top of the jar to seal it. Now, you just need to find a place to store your spell bottle. Traditionally, bottles used for things like protection were kept hidden whereas things like health, love or abundance may be displayed more prominently somewhere in your sacred space or on your altar.
For our next exercise, all you’ll need is a stone of your choice, a pen or pencil, and a piece of paper or a notebook. In this exercise, we’re going to write a crystal poem. Hear me out. If you don’t like writing or if you’re scared off by poetry, I promise this can be a really fun exercise as long as you don’t critique yourself too hard. This is a really fun and quite different way to explore the energy of your crystals. So, start by holding your chosen stone in your hands for a few moments, tuning into its energy and really appreciating its beauty and get inspired and just start writing. You may choose to make the lines of your poem rhyme. I usually do this because I find it gives me a little bit more structure for my poem, or you might just wish to free write whatever pops into your head. You can write about the stone’s appearance, like its color, its shape, and its texture. Or you can write about the way that the stone makes you feel physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. You may even want to write about the stone’s properties or its history, legends, and lore. The key here is just to put pen to paper without judgment. Let the lines of your writing flow and get a first draft out without too much editing. You can always consider this a rough draft and go back and edit your poem later if you wish, but I find that the first run-through is usually pretty empowering and a great experience. You may want to keep a dedicated notebook for just this purpose because I have to tell you, it is a beautiful thing to flip back through your notebook and appreciate and enjoy all of your beautiful crystal poems. You might even want to accompany these with the sketches that we talked about earlier in this video.
Our next exercise is one that is so quick and easy and, really, can be done pretty regularly. You can even make this a daily thing if you’d like. In this exercise, you’re going to give your crystals a quick cleanse with sound. There are so many different ways to cleanse objects or spaces, but sound is a great one. It’s simple and easy, it’s sustainable, and it’s pretty affordable. Once you buy a small bell or chime one time, you have it to use whenever you need it. I personally love the sound of a bell or chime for cleansing my crystals, but you can use any instrument you like and make some noise. Ring the bell or chime or play the instrument around your crystals. This is a great way of doing a large group of crystals all at once. And if you want the benefit of cleansing your space as well, just be sure to open up any drawers or cabinet doors and let that sound vibration in. This whole process only takes a few quick minutes and it creates such an upliftment of your space. You will feel so much better and you’ll have beautiful, cleansed crystals to work with next time you need them.
Our final crystal ritual is another one that is a little bit more special, lengthy, and in-depth. You’ll need a few more supplies for this but it’s one of my absolute favorites. For this mini crystal ritual, I’m going to teach you how to dress a crystal ritual candle. Creating special ritual candles for my altar is one of my favorite ways to create more magic with crystals. You want to start by setting an intention just like you did for your crystal spell bottle. This can be for anything but whereas for your spell bottle, you can write a little bit more lengthy and in-depth intention. Here, I want you to focus on just one word. That way, you’ll be able to use this ritual candle in the future whenever it seems appropriate. So, something like love, abundance, magic, intuition, well-being. These are all great places to start.
Next, you’ll need to gather your supplies. You’ll need a candle of your choice. You might want to consider choosing a color that sort of magically corresponds to your intention. Again, a good reference book or a quick Google search can help steer you in the right direction here. You’ll also want to consider the size of the candle that you’re working with. I love working with the small ritual altar candles because they’re really easy to handle for this practice. You’ll also need a super small crystal or even a few. It’s up to you how many you’d like to use but the little tumbled crystal chips seem to work best for this. Again, correspond the meaning of the crystal to your chosen intention. You’ll also need some dried herbs of your choice, again, corresponding to the intention or them that you’ve set for this ritual candle. Only use herbs that are safe to burn here. You can always do a bit of research if you’re uncertain and avoid using any herbs that you might be allergic to. You’ll also need a small to medium-sized shallow dish. Glass or ceramic is great. Just something that is a good size to fit your chosen candle. When in doubt, a dinner plate works great. You’ll also need a few drops of a carrier oil. Something like a sweet almond oil, avocado oil, and jojoba. Those are really popular choices. But in a pinch, even a little olive oil from your kitchen can work just great. And in fact, that’s what I’ve used in the video here. Optionally, you may want to add some essential oil of your choosing, again, corresponding it to the purpose of your candle. And you’ll need a lighter or some matches. You might also want to grab a Q-tip or an eyedropper if you have one, but if you don’t have those things, don’t worry. You can just use your finger instead.
You’re going to start by lighting your tea light candle. This gives you a working flame so that you have both of your hands-free. You don’t have to hold a match or a lighter the entire time. Very carefully, hold the base of your chosen candle, the candle that you’ll be dressing for ritual, and soften a bit of the candle somewhere on one of the sides. I like to choose an area toward the top of the candle. Be careful not to light the wick yet. You’re just melting a little bit of the side of the candle. Once it has been softened, carefully press one of your chosen crystal chips into the side of the candle while holding your intention in mind. You’re actually embedding the intention that you’ve chosen into this candle through the crystal, which is a great amplifier of intention. Be really careful not to burn yourself on the hot wax. But most of the time, it should just be relatively warm. You just softened the wax a bit. If you get a few drips while doing this, just kind of try and aim them for the small tea light candle underneath so that you don’t get any hot wax on yourself or the surface that you’re working on. Allow the candle wax a moment to firm back up after you’ve embedded it with your crystal chip. And then if you like, and this is an optional step that I highly recommend, use a thin sharp implement like a bent paper clip or a small thumb tack to carve your intention word into the side of your candle. Again, if you’ve stuck with that one word intention, like healing, clarity or intuition, you can carve this word into the side of your candle for a little extra magic. Then using a few drops of your carrier oil, using your finger, a cotton swab or an eyedropper, you can lightly coat the sides of the candle with the oil. Now, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to this carrier oil ahead of time, mix it around, and then apply it to incorporate the fragrance of the essential oil.
You can see for my candle, I’ve chosen a green candle for healing, which was my intention. I’ve added a small red garnet stone because it also corresponds to general health and well-being. I’ve carved the word healing into the side of the candle. I’ve added some lavender essential oil to my carrier oil for healing. And now, it’s time for us to add our herbs. I’ve chosen to add some Echinacea and some lavender, both of which are useful for healing. This is a really easy process. Just sprinkle your dried herbs on your dinner plate, or your small container, and roll the oiled candle in the herb so that they stick to the surface of the candle. Again, hold your intention in mind throughout this process. Each thing that’s added to your candle is adding and building more intention and magic. You now have a dressed ritual candle that is ready to be used now or saved for your next ritual. If you’d like to save this for a future ritual, I do recommend wrapping it up in a small bit of wax paper or parchment paper, and tying it with a string to keep the oil from getting on anything, and to keep the herbs adhered to the sides of the candle. I love this practice so much and I hope it’s one that you’ll enjoy experimenting with and creating many combinations of beautiful intention candles.
Now, it’s time for you to take action and unlock your own crystal magic. I do hope that you will give one of these 5 exercises a try. I would love to see what you’re doing. So, please feel free to take a quick photo or video, post it on Instagram, and tag me at Love and Light School, or send me a DM and let me know what you’re up to. I hope that you’ve enjoyed this video series: 3 Keys to Unlock Your Crystal Magic. We’ve looked at a.m. rituals for the morning, p.m. rituals for the evening, and a few quick and fun crystal rituals that you can do anytime. Again, the key here is just to dig in, have fun, and actually make some quick time for connecting with your crystals daily. Just find a practice that works for you and stick with it. Thank you so much for watching and till I see you again. Crystal blessings.

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